

... GATHERS NO MOSS! Such a great week!!! So many SVs and NSVs to celebrate that I'm thinking that this is my most successful week so far! Such a great feeling!! Let's start with my firewalk! OMG! It was amazing!!! There's something so freeing about doing something that you're not supposed to be able to do, something only a small percentage of the population ever brave and something that you're so scared of that upon completion, the feeling of euphoria has you smiling like the proverbial cat (and making you forget to write your blog post, oops). And it made me realise, that if I can challenge myself to conquer one of my greatest fears, to push my limits so that I have valuable life experiences and mentally prepare myself to do something so unnatural, why do I find it so difficult to keep my diet in check to achieve something I want so much more than I ever wanted to walk on fire??? Sweet chilli sea bass fillet, garlic baby pots and sauteed asparagu


I know everyone has those moments when you just want to give up.  When you trick yourself into believing that it isn't actually that important, that it doesn't really matter and that you're far too busy or stressed or overwhelmed to actually be able to make it work. That's how I've been feeling this week, family problems, illnesses, financial struggles as well as working full time, trying to make progress on several projects I'm doing and finding time for me have all started to weigh on me and with the addition of beginning my online PT this week, I've been feeling like the proverbial broken camel. Luckily, I have enough positive people and influence in my life that I can take time to regroup and reassess these thoughts and feelings and then I remember that this isn't supposed to be a chore, this is supposed to be me, creating a better lifestyle, to create a better life for me and all it takes is to create new thought processes and new habits and the


So we all know the sayings.  ‘No pain, no gain',  ‘you reap what you sow' and my favourite, ‘cake solves everything!’.  Well ok, maybe that last one isn't actually a saying and is perhaps a little off topic but I'm only human after all! So it's been a mad week, family illness and work craziness etc. (I know, my excuse list is like Mary Poppins' bag, a never-ending supply of unnecessary excuses to pluck out at will) so strayed a little off plan this week.  There may have been incidences of McDonaldsgate, Greggsgate and midweek chinesegate.  Forgive me father for I have sinned! The actifry that I so excitedly bought in the new year sale remains neglected and abandoned in it's packaging.  The spinach that I so lovingly divided and froze remains untouched and redundant and still the kettlebells that I bought 3 months ago at the start of this journey have begun exercising alone so that their life's purpose will be fulfilled. I have an excuse for


No gains for 5 whole weeks!!! Woohoo!! You know what's important in life?? Celebrating the victories! However small, however unimportant or insignificant you feel it is, however much you feel that it could have been better... it doesn't matter! Recognise it, share it, celebrate it! It's an achievement and you (and it) deserve to be proud and acknowledged! So every time you notice a non scale victory (or any other victory in life) then shout about it, post it, share it, celebrate it! Why? Because you deserve it! Have I done as good as I could have? No.  Have I done as much as I could have? Definitely not.   Have I achieved as much as I could have? Not at all. But... Have I done something? Yes.  Have I achieved something? Yes.  Have I made a conscious effort, made more mindful choices and gotten results? Yes!!! And that's what truly matters and by refusing to acknowledge that, I would be doing myself out of the recognition that I deserve for the effort and cha


Hi everyone!  Thanks for returning to read my rollercoaster diet journey.  Normally I start by going through all the trials and triumphs of the week and leaving the weigh-in result until the end, but this week I'm just going to get straight in there and announce proudly my 3lb loss taking me to 1 st 13 lbs overall!  😁😁😁 I was actually 8oz off 2 stone so I was a little bit gutted lol but I'm really pleased with how it's all going at the moment 😊 I haven't had any gains now for a month and I feel much more organised and controlled in what I'm doing and happy at the steady loss! Both my lunch flask and actifry have arrived this week and I have a freezer full of goodness for a food prep day so I've got no excuses but to eat fresh, mostly healthy, measured portions for this week.  I say ‘mostly healthy' because despite the title, I genuinely don't see this as a diet. My primary goal isn't losing weight.  Losing weight is a consequence of


Christmas is over.  New year has come and gone and Easter is months away! 😁 though I anticipate a slight blip around Shrove Tuesday 🙈 So with no more excuses, I'm back on the wagon and I'm strapping myself in so that I can't fall off again. So today, although not technically day one, I'm going back to basics, back to the essentials that I know about, back to meal planning, back to shopping with purpose and back to focusing on the end goal (for those of you who don't know, I've promised myself a trip to Iceland to see the Aurora Borealis if I make significant progress).  So, I'm 100% in and ready to do this! For those that remember, I've struggled a lot with having to buy excess food and then throwing it out, so today I tried something new.  Firstly, I decided to do my shopping in Aldi, meaning that the overall cost was lower compared to where I would normally buy groceries.  Secondly, I bought the majority of food as either frozen or pre-pac


New Year's Eve.  Tomorrow is the day - new year, new me malarkey.  I've been a sucker to it before myself, gym memberships, exercise equipment, kitchen appliances.  Hypnotised by a calendar change and consumerism seduction.  And this year, well!  This year takes it even further by starting the year and month on the first day of the week!  Monday 1st January 2018.  Does it get any better than that?! I'm more than a little OCD so trust me when I say that that is an OCD sufferers dream come true!  The fact is, yes, it's a new year but it's also the same me.  I'm no different today than yesterday.  I don't want a new me for the new year, I want the old me, still trying, learning and growing but just with an upgraded, more determined mind-set. Mind-set deluxe edition 2.0 platinum! So as tempting as it was to become overwhelmed by sales and offers, promises and guarantees and the very best that Photoshop has to offer.  The truth is, I don't need any of t